========== Promocodes ========== .. promocode: .. _api/resources/promocode: Promocodes ========== .. http:get:: /v1/resources/events/{event_id}/promocodes/{promocode_id} :synopsis: Returns information about the promocode Returns information about the promocode :
` :param string event_id: :ref:`event` ID :param string promocode_id: :ref:`promocode` ID :query string fields-schema: :ref:`api/dsl` :header Content-Type: :mimetype:`application/json` :>header Transfer-Encoding: ``chunked`` :>json datetime created_at: Set creation timestamp :>json datetime updated_at: Set update timestamp :>json string event: :ref:`event` ID :>json arrray sets: List of ticketsets :>json string name: Name of promocode :>json string desc: Descriprion of promocode :>json dict discount: discount value `percengate` or `fixed` :>json number amount: amount of promocode uses :>json string code: Code for users :>json string lifetime: :>json dict counter: promocode usage information :code 200: Ok :code 400: Invalid request parameters :code 401: Authentication required :code 403: Operation not allowed .. http:post:: /v1/resources/events/{event_id}/promocodes :synopsis: Create promocode Create promocode :
` :param string promocode_id: :ref:`promocode` ID :query string fields-schema: :ref:`api/dsl` :header Content-Type: :mimetype:`application/json` :>header Transfer-Encoding: ``chunked`` :>json datetime created_at: Set creation timestamp :>json datetime updated_at: Set update timestamp :>json string event: :ref:`event` ID :>json arrray sets: List of ticketsets :>json string name: Name of promocode :>json string desc: Descriprion of promocode :>json dict discount: discount value `percengate` or `fixed` :>json number amount: amount of promocode uses :>json string code: Code for users :>json string lifetime: :>json dict counter: promocode usage information :code 200: Ok :code 400: Invalid request parameters :code 401: Authentication required :code 403: Operation not allowed .. http:patch:: /v1/resources/events/{event_id}/promocodes/{promocode_id} :synopsis: Edit promocode Edit promocode :
` :param string event_id: :ref:`event` ID :param string promocode_id: :ref:`promocode` ID :query string fields-schema: :ref:`api/dsl` :header Content-Type: :mimetype:`application/json` :>header Transfer-Encoding: ``chunked`` :>json datetime created_at: Set creation timestamp :>json datetime updated_at: Set update timestamp :>json string event: :ref:`event` ID :>json arrray sets: List of ticketsets :>json string name: Name of promocode :>json string desc: Descriprion of promocode :>json dict discount: discount value `percengate` or `fixed` :>json number amount: amount of promocode uses :>json string code: Code for users :>json string lifetime: :>json dict counter: promocode usage information :code 200: Ok :code 400: Invalid request parameters :code 401: Authentication required :code 403: Operation not allowed