TicketsCloud HTTP API

GET /v1/resources/attachment/{idatt} Return information about a stored file
GET /v1/resources/attachments Returns list of active deals
GET /v1/resources/cities Returns list of cities
GET /v1/resources/countries Returns list of countries
GET /v1/resources/deals Returns list of active deals
GET /v1/resources/deals/{iddeal} Return information about a deal
GET /v1/resources/events Returns list of existed events
GET /v1/resources/events/{event_id}/promocodes/{promocode_id} Returns information about the promocode
GET /v1/resources/events/{idevent} Returns information about the event
GET /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/sets Returns list of existed sets
GET /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/sets/{idset} Returns information about the set
GET /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/sets/{idset}/tickets/{idticket} Returns information about the ticket
GET /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/tickets Returns information about the all tickets in events
GET /v1/resources/orders Returns list of orders
GET /v1/resources/orders/{idorder} Returns information about specified order
GET /v1/resources/partners Returns list of Partners
GET /v1/resources/partners/{idpartner} Returns partner information
GET /v1/resources/partners/{idpartner}/api_keys Returns list of API keys
GET /v1/resources/partners/{idpartner}/api_keys/{idkey} Returns an API key information
GET /v1/resources/users Returns list of users
GET /v1/resources/users/:id/orders Get orders or specified user
GET /v1/resources/users/{user_id} Returns user information
GET /v1/resources/venues Returns list of existed venues
GET /v1/resources/venues/{idvenue} Returns information about the venue
GET /v1/services/simple/events
GET /v1/services/simple/events/{idevent}
GET /v1/services/whoami Returns information about authenticated user
POST /v1/resources/attachments Creates a new file
POST /v1/resources/deals Creates a new deal
POST /v1/resources/events Creates a new event
POST /v1/resources/events/{event_id}/promocodes Create promocode
POST /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/sets Creates a new set
POST /v1/resources/partners/{idpartner}/api_keys Creates a new API key
POST /v1/resources/users Registers a new user
POST /v1/resources/venues Creates a new venue
POST /v1/services/whoami Initiates user cookie session
DELETE /v1/resources/events/{idevent} Removes an event
DELETE /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/sets/{idset} Deletes a set
DELETE /v1/resources/orders/{idorder} Cancels order processing
DELETE /v1/resources/partners/{idparner}/api_keys/{idkey} Removes an API key
DELETE /v1/resources/venues/{idvenue} Deletes a venue
DELETE /v1/services/whoami Closes user cookie session
PATCH /v1/resources/deals/{iddeal} Updates a deal
PATCH /v1/resources/events/{event_id}/promocodes/{promocode_id} Edit promocode
PATCH /v1/resources/events/{idevent} Creates a new event
PATCH /v1/resources/events/{idevent}/sets/{idset} Updates set information
PATCH /v1/resources/orders/{idorder} Updates order data
PATCH /v1/resources/partners/{idpartner} Updates specific partner fields
PATCH /v1/resources/partners/{idpartner}/api_keys/{idkey} Updates API key information
PATCH /v1/resources/users/{user_id} Updates user information
PATCH /v1/resources/venues/{idvenue} Updates venue information